College facilities and services
Pastoral service
Updated 21/02/2013
- Location: 1st floor, Head Office
- Person in charge: Prof. Antonio Javier Reyes Guerrero
- Office hours: Please check the professor’s office hours for this semester (go to home page).
- Phone number: (+34) 957 47 47 50 Ext. 101
- E-mail address:
The Pastoral service is intended mainly, but not exclusively, for the students at our school, as well as teaching, administrative and services staff.
The University Pastoral represents the concrete action of the Church within the university. The Church’s most important action is evangelisation. Therefore, the mission of the University Pastoral is to carry out the evangelical mandate.
“Evangelising means bringing the Good News into all the strata of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new (...) if it had to be expressed in one sentence the best way of stating it would be to say that the Church evangelizes when she seeks to convert, solely through the divine power of the message she proclaims, both the personal and collective consciences of people, the activities in which they engage, and the lives and concrete milieu which are theirs.” (Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, 18)
General Objectives
To meet, love, and follow Jesus Christ as a true way to life for men and women, in all their personal circumstances.
- To defend the ideal of being saints in each one’s individual vocation and within university life, especially with regard to education and work.
- To encourage the Apostolic experience (mission and service) as a means of introducing Christ as the Master in our lives, as well as permitting the dialogue between educational sciences and vocational teaching.
- To spread, promote and participate in the diocesan youth meetings and the University Pastoral (students, teaching and administrative staff)
- To promote and introduce the vocational dimension within priesthood and religious life.
Formation of groups to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Education and commitment.
- To provide our students who are not yet confirmed, and who voluntarily express their interest, the opportunity to come to a better understanding of Catholic education, strengthen their faith commitment with the Church, and prepare themselves to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation freely and responsibly.
- To help young people to experience personal and community faith.
- To inspire and educate in a responsible and active faith, as well as to strengthen commitment to the Catholic faith.
- To promote and value the participation of young students in the celebrations of Christian communities.
- Catechism sessions are held during school hours when catechumens are available. The sessions include group celebrations: prayer, the Eucharistic, the Word of God, meditation, retreats, etc.
- Celebration of the Eucharist
- We celebrate the Eucharist two days a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) during break in the school Chapel. Announcements are made over the loudspeaker and on posters. We also celebrate the Eucharist during important festivities such as Christmas and Lent, or upon the death of a family member when so requested by the family, colleagues or students concerned.
- Midday Prayer
- Our aim is for young people to find Jesus through prayer. Midday Prayer is held at the Chapel once a week (Tuesdays) during break. Informative posters will be posted throughout the school and on the Chapel door.
- Charity and solidarity campaigns: Operation Kilo, blood donations, the Spanish charity Manos Unidas...
These campaigns serve to strengthen the Christian values of charity and solidarity. Their mission is to:- Raise people’s awareness of the pockets of poverty within their community and society in general.
- Allow them to take a leading role in the activities organised by the school.
- Understand love as a donation of what is needed and not of what is left over.
- Do specific work that requires a personal commitment.
- Personal attention to students
Education is the pillar of the “Sagrado Corazón” Teacher Training School. Education involves helping people to interrelate. Young people find themselves in a dehumanised, individualistic, technical and competitive world, where personal relations tend to be hedonistic, selfish and superficial.
We try to make our students feel welcome, looked after and loved, and to help them find God in their lives with the support of our priests, as well as our teachers and administratives staff.
Confirmation Catechesis (Published 21/02/2013)
Confirmation Catechesis will begin on March 5th in the Chapel of the school at 2:15 pm. Pastoral Service.
Ash Wednesday (Published 05/02/2013)
Ash Wednesday, February 13th at the “Sagrado Corazón “Teacher Training School
Pilgrimage to Rome (Published 16/11/2012)
A group of students are organising a pilgrimage to the city of Rome (Italy) from 28/02/2013 to 03/03/2013 (Thursday to Sunday).
Members of the university community who are interested in joining the pilgrimage can reserve a place by e-mail before 21/11/2012. A €50 non-refundable deposit is required to confirm your reservation.
Please bring a photocopy of your ID card to the pastoral group meeting from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm.
Confirmation Catechesis (Published 15/11/2012)
Visit to the relics of Saint John of Avila (Published 08/11/2012)
Wednesday November 14th at the “Sagrado Corazón” Teacher Training School
Prayer for the beginning of academic year 2012-2013 (Published 21/09/2012)
Month of May, Mother’s Month (Published 26/04/2012)
The month of May is the Mother’s month. Lay your petition flower at the feet of Virgin Mary.
End-of-year Mass and Confirmations (Published 12/04/2012)
The end-of-year Mass and Confirmations will be held at the Cathedral of Cordoba, and presided by Bishop Demetrio Fernández González on May 22nd 2012 at 8:00 pm.
Ash Wednesday (Published 17/02/2012)
Ash Wednesday. 22nd of February 2012
Advent (Published 19/12/2011)
Food drive – “Operation Kilo” (Published 01/12/2011)
The Cultural Activities Service, the Culture and Faith Service, IDHEA and the Pastoral Service of our school have organised a food drive (Operation Kilo) and a toy drive. The drives will be running from November 28th to December 21st. If you wish to help, please leave your donation in the entrance hall of the school.
Advent (Published 24/11/2011)
Confirmations 2011 (Published 22/11/2011)
Monday 7th of November at 13:45 in the school Chapel.
A group of students will be preparing their Confirmation with Mr. Antonio Javier Reyes Guerrero.
End-of-year Mass (Published 25/05/2011)
The end-of-year Mass will be held at the Cathedral of Cordoba, and presided by Bishop Demetrio Fernández González
Icon of “Saint Mary Sedes Sapientiae” (Published 06/05/2011)
Jubilee of university teaching staff. Homily of the Holy Father John Paul II. Sunday, September 10th 2000.
Month of May. Month of the Virgin. Flower offering to Virgin Mary (Published 27/04/2011)
Reminder (Published 01/03/2011)
Ash Wednesday, March 9th.