General information
Osio Foundation
Updated 10/12/2012
1. Economic characteristics of the “Sagrado Corazón” Teacher Training School:
The “Sagrado Corazón” Teacher Training School is a private institution of higher education affiliated to the University of Cordoba. Its ownership is held by the "OSIO DE CÓRDOBA" FOUNDATION, an entity composed of the Diocese and seven religious congregations. The school does NOT receive any public funding.
2. Funding:
The sources of funding received by the school are:
2.1. Tuition fees paid by students.
2.2. The collaboration of the "OSIO DE CÓRDOBA" FOUNDATION3. Student financial aid:
Although most of the school’s funding comes from tuition fees, the "OSIO DE CÓRDOBA" FOUNDATION provides financial assistance in the form of reduced fees for students in need depending on budgetary possibilities.
3.1. Requirements:
3.1.1. Submit the financial aid application within the deadline established by the school.
3.1.2. Provide proof of financial need.
3.1.3. Applicants must have applied for a scholarship offered each year by the Ministry of Education or other entities.
The financial aid application must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at the school, and accompanied by a photocopy of the 2011 tax return and/or proof of income for 2011 of all members of the family. Financial aid applications are available at the Office of the Registrar, or can be downloaded from the school’s website at the beginning of the enrolment period. All applications for financial assistance must be submitted by November 30, 2012.
3.2. Reduced fee enrolment:
The "Osio de Córdoba" Foundation will provide financial assistance according to each student’s financial needs, and taking into account the amount of the scholarship awarded by the MEC or other entities.
3.3. Collaboration aid:
For those students who request it, the "Osio de Córdoba" Foundation provides students financial assistance to collaborate in the school. To receive aid, please complete the appropriate application form within the established deadline.
3.4. Scholarship for Academic Excellence:
Bachelor’s degree programmes:
Scholarships may be awarded to two students each academic year to cover the total cost of tuition (one for students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and one for students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education). Scholarships will be awarded based on the student’s GPA at the end of the academic year. The minimum GPA required to receive a scholarship is 8.5/10. Applicants must be enrolled full time. To qualify for the scholarship it is not necessary that the student request it. The list of scholarships awarded will be posted on the bulletin board of the Office of the Registrar/Administration and the school’s website. Scholarships will be paid to the student upon enrolment for the following academic year.
Resolution Scholarships Osio de Córdoba Foundation. 2012-2013 Academic Year
- Scholarship Academic Excellence
(Updated 7/12/2012)
- Scholarships Pending Resolution Fee Reduction
(Pending resolution)
- Scholarships Awarded Fee Reduction
(Pending resolution)
- Scholarships Denied Fee Reduction