General Information
Title Name | Graduate in Civil Engineering |
Lenght of Program | 240 credit/4 years |
Type of Learning | In-class attendance |
Number of places available | 130 |
Responsible Center offering the Title | Escuela Politécnica Superior de Belmez (University of Cordoba) |
Title Code for the University Registry of Centers and Degrees (RUCT) | 2501794 |
Knowledge Branch | Engineering and Architecture |
Date of Council of Ministers | January 10, 2010 |
Date Title was published in the BOE | BOE 11/11/2010 |
URL for the Title at the RUCT | Enlace |
Academic Year Title was Implemented | 2010/2011 |
Number of Courses in the Implementation Phase | All Implemented |
Language used in the delivery of the title | Spanish |
Rules that determined length of program and good-standing | Download |
Application for the verification of the official degree diploma | Download |
“VERIFICA” document of the Degree curriculum | Download |
Publication of the Degree curriculum in the “BOE” | Link |
Initial Relationship Agreements | Download |
The current legislation determines that the profession of Technical Engineer of Public Works be a regulated profession, which its practice requires to be in possession of the corresponding official Degree of Civil Engineer obtained, in this case, according to the provisions of article 12.9 of Royal Decree 1393 / 2007, of October 29, which establishes the ordering of official university education.
The content of the Degree in Civil Engineering that is taught at the Polytechnic School of Belmez conform to the Order of the Ministry of Science and Innovation CIN / 307/2009, of February 9, which establishes the requirements for the verification of the official university qualifications that qualify a graduate for the exercise of the profession of technical engineer of public works.
History of the Degree Title
The higher studies of Civil Engineering in Spain have their beginning in 1799 with the creation of the Civil Engineers' Inspection Body decreed by Carlos IV. In September of 1802 the School of Engineers of the General Inspection was founded, and finally, by means of the Decree of July 26, 1804, the title of Engineer of Roads and Channels was created. In 1834 the denomination of the title expanded and acquired the definitive form of Engineer of Roads, Channels and Ports.
The studies of Public Works Technical Engineer of are created following a similar route. In 1854 the Body of Public Works Assistants was created, and three years later, in 1857, the School of Public Works Assistants was created, added to the School of Civil Engineers. With the Law of Ordering Technical Teaching in 1957 the title became known as Public Works Experts and with the Law of Reordering of Technical Teaching of April 29, 1964 was renamed Technical Engineer of Public Works. With the Royal Decrees 1432/1991, 1435/1991 and 1452/1991, it was transformed into the titles of Technical Engineer in Hydrology, Technical Engineer in Civil Constructions and Technical Engineer in Transport and Urban Services, and with RD 50/1995, acquire the current denominations of Technical Engineer of Public Works specialty in Hydrology, Technical Engineer of Public Works specialty in Civil Constructions, and Technical Engineer of Public Works specialty in Transport and Urban Services.
Labor Market Demand
The great demand of this type of graduates in the field of public construction in Spain, makes it one of the degrees with the lowest unemployment rate of graduates from the University of Cordoba.
In 2007 the University of Cordoba signed an agreement with the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE). This agreement served to carry out the "Study of the Employment Situation of Persons Graduated in University Teaching and Vocational Training Regulated in Andalusia".
This study has been published this year by the Directorate General of Labor Intermediation and Integration and the Argos Observatory of the Employment Ministry of the Regional Government of Andalusia. The publication can be requested by e-mail at the address, , or coulld be found at the University of Cordoba webpage;, or at Fundecor’s webpage .
The results obtained correspond to the academic year 2005/06 and the reference period covers until September 30, 2007.
The study concluded that 94.12% of graduates in Public Works had had some contact with employment before or within six months after their graduation. And that 76.47% had at least one recruitment in the months following their graduation. Of those, 52.94% had previous experience, compared to 23.53% with no experience whatsoever.
Of all the graduates in Public Works hired, 6 were employed in long-term positions and 17 were temporary in ordinary companies. As for the type of contract, 21 were employed full-time whereas 2 were part-time.
These graduates take an average of 147.8 days to find their first job.
They represent 0.87% of the graduates contracted.
The unemployment rate for these graduates was 0.00%, as well as the registered unemployment was also at 0.00%.
Areas of Employement of the Gradutes from Civil Engineering.
- Preliminary studies, pre-projects, tracing of street, road, highways, and freeways projects, including their construction.
- Preliminary studies, pre-projects, tracing of railways, cable cars, and pipeline transport, including their construction.
- Maritime Works: Coasts and ports, including their construction.
- Airports, including their construction.
- Urban and Spatial Planning. General Management Plans. Partial Plans.
- Urban Studies. Special Plans. Urbanization Projects.
- Ecology and the Environment. Ecological studies. Environmental impact projects.
- Surface and underground hydrology.
- Planning and managements of hydraulic resources.
- Power Plants.
- Supply, sanitation, and water purification plants, including their construction.
- Hydraulic Works: dams, canals, water desalination and hydroelectric plants, including their construction.
- Urban Public Works, including their construction:
- Supply,
- Sanitation,
- Road cleaning,
- Garbage collection and disposal,
- Street lighting,
- Sport facilities,
- Traffic and urban transport
- Urban roads.
- Concrete and metal structures.
- Shopping malls and warehouses.
- Manufacturing of construction materials, quarries, and extraction of aggregates, including their construction.
- Prevention of occupational hazards, and other work-related health and safety concerns.
- Map-making and topography.
- Teaching: at Public and private universities,vocational training schools, and other private sector centers.
Professional positions held by Graduates on Civil Engineering.
- Managing, direction, coordination. And advise of public and private companies.
- Planning, general management, project management, and services.
- Development, planning, coordination, writing and approval of studies, reports, preliminary projects as well as final projects.
- Planning, Coordinación, direction, production, and inspection of construction works.
- Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
- Management, operation, and maintenance of services.
- Coordination or technical direction of health and safety issues, and labor risks prevention.
- Reports, opinions, and expert advise.
Professional Outcomes
The professional outcomes of this degree could be classify into three groups:
1. Work in the Private Industry:
Construction companies carry out and execute projects of different characteristics, size and volume that can range from large dams or freeways with billions for budget, to small works of street paving or other type. Engineering companies, also known as Consultants, are mainly engaged in the drafting of Projects and Directorating Works, in which the Technical Engineer of Public Works is responsible for functions such as measurement, quality control , Health and Safety, etc.
2. Self-employement:
In order to practice as a self-employed engineer it is neccessary to register with the corresponding professional college, which certifies the work, to have a Tax ID number, as well as being registered with the Income tax agency in order to pay the annual income tax on the your economic activities.
3. Goverment Official:
The most important of these agencies is the traditional Ministry of Public Works (currently known as Fomento), which has a wide range of positions. These range from directly carrying out research in laboratories, or in Public Companies that it sponsors, or in Services to the Provinces, as well as in Roads, Hydrographic confederations, Water stations, Ports, etc. The Autonomous Communities Administrations, on the other hand, provide all the provinces with Road Services, Hydraulic Works, Urbanism, Transportation and others.
Concentrations (degree)/Specialty (masters)
The degree of Civil engineering at “EPS” of Belmez has two concentrations: Civil Constructions and Hydrology.
Although students can choose to finish the Degree in Civil Engineering with a single concentration: Civil Constructions or Hydrology. See curricular planning.
Academic options in relation to other careers
When the degree is finished the student can do a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering of Roads, Canals, and Ports, which will allow the graduate to practice in these areas of engineering
Regulated profession for which the Title qualifies the graduate
Access to the regulated profession of technical engineer of Public Works:
- Ministry Council Agreement . (BOE. January 29, 2009):
- Ministerial Order. (BOE. February 18, 2009)
The current legislation requires that the profession of Technical Engineer of Public Works be a regulated profession whose exercise requires the possession of the corresponding official title of Graduate obtained in accordance with the provisions of article 12.9 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29. These establish the sequencing of the official university curriculum. Order CIN /307/2009, of February 9, establishes the requirements for the verification of the official university degrees that qualify for the exercise of the Technical Engineering of Public Works.
In accordance with Law 12/1986 on the regulation of the professional attributes of Architecture and Technical Engineering, as amended by Law 33/1992, the following technical powers correspond to the technical engineers within their respective specialty:
a) The drafting and approval signature of projects for the construction, renovation, conservation, repair, maintenance, demolition, manufacturing, assembly or operation of any movable or fixed property, in their respective cases, both as main or ancillarry property, provided that they are included by their nature or characteristics by the techniques associated by each degree.
b) The management of the activities that are subject to the projects referred to in the previous section, even when proiects have been designed by third parties.
c) The performance of measurements, calculations, evaluations, appraisals, expert advise, studies, reports, work schedules and other similar works.
d) The practice of teaching in its various degrees in the cases and terms provided for in the corresponding regulations.
e) The management of all kinds of industries or operations and the application, in general with regards to the activities mentioned in the previous sections. Technical engineers of public works are fully competent to develop the managements of Companies and Services, the drafting and signatory approval of projects, management of works and activities and practice teaching both in the private as wells as public enterprise or management in their respective specialties.