Integrated Disease Management saves olive trees from Verticillium wilt
Escrito por Silvia Márquez |
Visitas: 2945
DAUCO Will Offer Two Predoctoral Research Fellows and Two Postdoctoral Contracts for highly qualified researchers
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Visitas: 3695
The Agronomy Department of Cordoba University is leading the European project 'Gen4Olive' which aim to leverage the olive genetic resources and modernize the oleic sector
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Visitas: 3311
Two predoctoral fellowships are offered at DAUCO
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Visitas: 4928
The DAUCO, certified as Maria de Maeztu Excellence Unit
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Visitas: 4907
The UCO's Water Resources investigations enter the Shanghai Ranking
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Visitas: 4093
The UCO continues its upward climb in the main international rankings
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Visitas: 3196
The CyD Foundation ranking places again the university of Cordoba in position of privilege in research
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Visitas: 2843