Year: 2017 (3)
- M. Dorado-Moreno, M. Pérez-Ortiz, P.A. Gutiérrez, R. Ciria, J. Briceño and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Dynamically weighted Evolutionary Ordinal Neural Network for solving an Imbalanced Liver Transplantation Problem", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 77. 2017, pp. 1-11. JCR(2017): 2.879 Position: 31/132 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Carbonero-Ruz, F.J. Martínez-Estudillo, F. Fernandez-Navarro, D. Becerra-Alonso and A.C. Martínez-Estudillo. "A two dimensional accuracy-based measure for classification performance", Information Sciences, Vol. 382-383. 2017, pp. 60-80. JCR(2017): 4.305 Position: 12/148 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, M. Carbonero-Ruz, D. Becerra-Alonso and M. Torres-Jiménez. "Global sensitivity estimates for neural network classifiers", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 28(11). 2017, pp. 2592-2604. JCR(2017): 7.982 Position: 6/133 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
Year: 2016 (19)
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, P.A. Gutiérrez, M. Carbonero-Ruz and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Semi-Supervised Learning For Ordinal Kernel Discriminant Analysis", Neural Networks, Vol. 84, December, 2016, pp. 57-66. JCR(2016): 5.287 Position: 10/133 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, P.A. Gutiérrez, P. Tino and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Oversampling the minority class in the feature space", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 27(9), September, 2016, pp. 1947-1961. JCR(2016): 6.108 Position: 3/104 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, S. Jiménez-Fernández, P.A. Gutiérrez, E. Alexandre, C. Hervás-Martínez and S. Salcedo-Sanz. "A review of classification problems and algorithms in renewable energy applications", Energies, Vol. 9(8), August, 2016, pp. 607. JCR(2016): 2.262 Position: 45/92 (Q2) Category: ENERGY & FUELS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P.A. Gutiérrez and S. García. "Current prospects on ordinal and monotonic classification", Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5(3), August, 2016, pp. 171-179. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A.M. Durán-Rosal, C. Hervás-Martínez, A.J. Tallón-Ballesteros, A.C. Martínez-Estudillo and S. Salcedo-Sanz. "Massive missing data reconstruction in ocean buoys with evolutionary product unit neural networks", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 117, May, 2016, pp. 292 - 301. JCR(2016): 1.894 Position: 2/14 (Q1) Category: ENGINEERING, MARINE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P.A. Gutiérrez, M. Pérez-Ortiz, J. Sánchez-Monedero, F. Fernandez-Navarro and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Ordinal regression methods: survey and experimental study", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 28(1), January, 2016, pp. 127-146. JCR(2016): 3.438 Position: 21/146 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P. Tirado-Valencia, M.L. Rodero-Cosano, M. Ruiz-Lozano and A. Rios-Berjillos. "Online sustainability information in European local governments: An explicative model to improve transparency.", Online Information Review, Vol. 40(3). 2016, pp. 400-415. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M.L. Rodero-Cosano, J.A. Salinas-Pérez, J.L. Gonzalez-Caballero, C. García-Alonso, C. Lagares-Franco and L. Salvador-Carulla. "A multi-level analysis of the relationship between spatial clusters of outpatient-treated depression, risk factors and mental health service planning in Catalonia (Spain).", Journal of affective disorders, Vol. 201. 2016, pp. 42-49. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P. Gómez-Rey, E. Barbera-Gregori and F. Fernandez-Navarro. "The impact of culture in online learning", Educational Technology and Society, Vol. 19(4). 2016, pp. 124-138. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P. Gómez-Rey, E. Barbera-Gregori and F. Fernandez-Navarro. "Measuring teaching and learners’ perceptions of the quality of their online learning experience", Distance Education, Vol. 37(2). 2016, pp. 146-163. JCR(2016): 1.592 Position: 56/235 (Q1) Category: EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- E. Barbera-Gregori, P. Gómez-Rey and F. Fernandez-Navarro. "A cross-national study of teacher’s perceptions of online learning success.", Open Learning: The journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, Vol. 31(1). 2016, pp. 25-41. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- D. Aguilar-Hidalgo, D. Becerra-Alonso, D. García-Morales and F. Casares. "Toward a study of gene regulatory constraints to morphological evolution of the Drosophila ocellar region", Development Genes and Evolution. 2016. JCR(2015): 2.508 Position: 18/41 (Q2) Category: DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Sáez, J. Sánchez-Monedero, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Machine learning methods for binary and multiclass classification of melanoma thickness from dermoscopic images", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 35(4). 2016, pp. 1036-1045. JCR(2016): 3.942 Position: 9/105 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, J.M. Peña, P.A. Gutiérrez, J. Torres-Sánchez, C. Hervás-Martínez and F. López-Granados. "Selecting patterns and features for between- and within- crop-row weed mapping using UAV-imagery", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 47. 2016, pp. 85-94. JCR(2016): 3.928 Position: 3/83 (Q1) Category: OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, M. Fernández-Delgado, E. Cernadas, R. Domínguez-Petit, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "On the use of nominal and ordinal classifiers for the discrimination of states of development in fish oocytes", Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 44(2). 2016, pp. 555-570. JCR(2016): 1.620 Position: 74/133 (Q3) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P. Gómez-Rey, F. Fernandez-Navarro and E. Barbera-Gregori. "Ordinal Regression by a Gravitational Model in the field of Educational Data Mining", Expert Systems, Vol. 33(2). 2016, pp. 161-175. JCR(2015): 0.947 Position: 57/105 (Q3) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Castaño-Méndez, F. Fernandez-Navarro, A. Riccardi and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Enforcement of the principal component analysis–extreme learning machine algorithm by linear discriminant analysis", Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 27(6). 2016, pp. 1749–1760. JCR(2016): 2.505 Position: 40/133 (Q2) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, P.A. Gutiérrez, J. Sánchez-Monedero and C. Hervás-Martínez. "A study on multi-scale kernel optimisation via centered kernel-target alignment", Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 44(2). 2016, pp. 491-517. JCR(2016): 1.620 Position: 74/133 (Q3) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Dorado-Moreno, A. Sianes and C. Hervás-Martínez. "From outside to hyper-globalisation: an Artificial Neural Network ordinal classifier to measure the extent of globalisation", Quality & Quantity. 2016. JCR(2016): 1.094 Position: 51/124 (Q2) Category: STATISTICS & PROBABILITY. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
Year: 2015 (13)
- D. Urzagasti, D. Becerra-Alonso, L.M. Pérez, H.L. Mancini and D. Laroze. "Hyper-chaotic Magnetisation Dynamics of Two Interacting Dipoles", Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 181(5), December, 2015, pp. 211–222. JCR(2015): 0.787 Position: 120/145 (Q4) Category: PHYSICS, APPLIED. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, P.A. Gutiérrez, C. Hervás-Martínez and X. Yao. "Graph-Based Approaches for Over-sampling in the context of Ordinal Regression", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 27(5), May, 2015, pp. 1233-1245. JCR(2015): 2.476 Position: 17/143 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Nikolaou, P.A. Gutiérrez, A.M. Durán-Rosal, I. Dicaire, F. Fernandez-Navarro and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Detection of early warning signals in paleoclimate data using a genetic time series segmentation algorithm", Climate Dynamics, Vol. 44(7--8), April, 2015, pp. 1919-1933. JCR (2015): 4.708 Position: 8/84 (Q1) Category: METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Tang, P. Tino, P.A. Gutiérrez and H. Chen. "The Benefits of Modelling Slack Variables in SVMs", Neural Computation, Vol. 27(4), April, 2015, pp. 954-981. JCR (2015): 1.626 Position: 57/130 (Q2) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. de la Paz Marín, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Classification of countries' progress toward a knowledge economy based on machine learning classification techniques", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 42(1), January, 2015, pp. 562-572. JCR(2015): 2.981 Position: 6/82 (Q1) Category: OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J.A. Salinas-Pérez, M.L. Rodero-Cosano, C. García-Alonso and L. Salvador-Carulla. "Applying an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Analysis of Mental Disorders in Macro-urban Areas: The Case of Barcelona.", Spatial Economic Analysis, Vol. 10(3). 2015, pp. 270-288. JCR(2015): 0.818 Position: 177/345 (Q3) Category: ECONOMICS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Torres-Jiménez, C. García-Alonso, J. Sánchez-Monedero, S. Millán-Lara and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Logistic evolutionary product-unit neural network classifier: the case of agrarian efficiency", Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4(3--4). 2015, pp. 59-67. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Torres-Jiménez, C. Garcia, A.L. Salvador and V. Fernández. "Evaluation of system efficiency using the Monte-Carlo DEA: The case of small health areas", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 242. 2015, pp. 525–535. JCR(2015): 2.679 Position: 7/83 (Q1) Category: OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, A. Riccardi and S. Carloni. "Ordinal Regression by a Generalized Force-Based Model", IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics, Vol. 45(4). 2015, pp. 844-857. JCR(2015): 4.943 Position: 6/130 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- E. Rodero, A. González, M. Dorado-Moreno, M. Luque and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Classification of goat genetic resources using morphological traits. Comparison of machine learning techniques with linear discriminant analysis", Livestock Science. 2015. JCR(2015): 1.293 Position: 17/58 (Q2) Category: AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, J.M. Peña, P.A. Gutiérrez, J. Torres-Sánchez, C. Hervás-Martínez and F. López-Granados. "A semi-supervised system for weed mapping in sunflower crops using unmanned aerial vehicles and a crop row detection method", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 37. 2015, pp. 533-544. JCR(2015): 2.857 Position: 16/104 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J.C. Fernández, S. Salcedo-Sanz, P.A. Gutiérrez, E. Alexandre and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Significant wave height and energy flux range forecast with machine learning classifiers", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 43. 2015, pp. 44-53. JCR(2015): 2.368 Position: 32/130 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, P.A. Gutiérrez, M. Cruz-Ramírez, J. Sánchez-Monedero and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Kernelising the Proportional Odds Model through Kernel Learning techniques", Neurocomputing, Vol. 126. 2015, pp. 23-33. JCR(2015): 2.392 Position: 31/130 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
Year: 2014 (21)
- P.A. Gutiérrez, P. Tino and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Ordinal regression neural networks based on concentric hyperspheres", Neural Networks, Vol. 59, November, 2014, pp. 51-60. JCR(2014): 2.708 Position: 18/123 (Q1) Category: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J. Sánchez-Monedero, P. Campoy-Muñoz, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "A guided data projection technique for classification of sovereign ratings: the case of European Union 27", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 22, September, 2014, pp. 339-350. JCR(2014): 2.810 Position: 17/123 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J. Sánchez-Monedero, S. Salcedo-Sanz, P.A. Gutiérrez, C.C. Mateo and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Simultaneous modelling of rainfall occurrence and amount using a hierarchical nominal-ordinal support vector classifier", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 34, September, 2014, pp. 199-207. JCR(2014): 2.207 Position: 12/83 (Q1) Category: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, M. de la Paz Marín, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Classification of EU countries' progress towards sustainable development based on ordinal regression techniques", Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 66, August, 2014, pp. 178-189. JCR(2014): 2.947 Position: 16/123 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P. Campoy-Muñoz, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Addressing remitting behavior using an ordinal classification approach", Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 41(10), August, 2014, pp. 4752-4761. JCR(2014): 2.240 Position: 12/81 (Q1) Category: OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- C. García-Alonso, L.M. Pèrez-Naranjo and J.C. Fernández. "Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to identify highly autocorrelated areas: the case of spatial distribution in financially compromised farms", Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 219(1), August, 2014, pp. 187-202. JCR (2014): 1.217 Position: 38/81 (Q2) Category: OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- E. Corchado, A. Abraham, P.A. Gutiérrez, J.M. Benitez and S. Ventura. "Special issue: Advances in learning schemes for function approximation", Neurocomputing, Vol. 135, July, 2014, pp. 1-2. JCR(2014): 2.083 Position: 36/123 (Q2) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Cruz-Ramírez, C. Hervás-Martínez, J. Sánchez-Monedero and P.A. Gutiérrez. "Metrics to guide a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for ordinal classification", Neurocomputing, Vol. 135, July, 2014, pp. 21-31. JCR(2014): 2.083 Position: 36/123 (Q2) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- L. García-Hernández, M. Pérez-Ortiz, A. Araúzo-Azofra, L. Salas-Morera and C. Hervás-Martínez. "An Evolutionary Neural System for incorporating Human Expert Knowledge into the UA-FLP", Neurocomputing, Vol. 135, July, 2014, pp. 69-78. JCR(2014): 2.083 Position: 36/124 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Projection based ensemble learning for ordinal regression", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol. 44(5), May, 2014, pp. 681-694. JCR(2014): 3.469 Position: 2/24 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, CYBERNETICS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Sianes, M. Dorado-Moreno and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Rating the Rich: An Ordinal Classification to Determine Which Rich Countries are Helping Poorer Ones the Most", Social Indicators Research, Vol. 116(1), February, 2014, pp. 47-65. JCR(2014): 1.395 Position: 20/95 (Q1) Category: SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, M. Cruz-Ramírez, M.D. Ayllón-Terán, N. Heaton, R. Ciria and C. Hervás-Martínez. "An organ allocation system for liver transplantation based on ordinal regression", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 14(A), January, 2014, pp. 88–98. JCR(2014): 2.810 Position: 17/123 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J. Alvarez-Galvez, M.L. Rodero-Cosano, C. García-Alonso and L.S. Carulla. "Changes in socioeconomic determinants of health: comparing the effect of social and economic indicators through European welfare state regimes.", Journal of Public Health, Vol. 22(4). 2014, pp. 305-311. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M.L. Rodero-Cosano, C. García-Alonso and J.A. Salinas-Pérez. "A deprivation analysis for Andalusia (Spain): an approach based on structural equations.", Social Indicators Research, Vol. 115(2). 2014, pp. 751-765. JCR(2014): 1.395 Position: 20/95 (Q1) Category: SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- Y. Muñoz-Ocaña and M. Torres-Jiménez. "Basic social-services Aid Distribution: is it reaching the most needy?", Revista de Economía Mundial, Vol. 36. 2014, pp. 95-119. JCR(2014): 0.237 Position: 300/333 (Q4) Category: ECONOMICS. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P.P. Pérez-Hernández, J.M. Martín-López, M. Torres-Jiménez and L. Fernández-Portillo. "Application of Prospective Analysis and Cluster Analysis as a tool to aid in the design of rural development policies: the case of Andalusia", Cuadernos de desarrollo rural, Vol. 11(73). 2014, pp. 61-86. JCR(2014): 0.151 Position: 53/56 (Q4) Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISPLINARY. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Riccardi, F. Fernandez-Navarro and S. Carloni. "Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost Algorithm for Ordinal Regression Based on Extreme Learning Machine", IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics, Vol. 44(10). 2014, pp. 1898-1909. JCR(2014): 3.469 Position: 13/123 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, A. Riccardi and S. Carloni. "Ordinal Neural Networks Without Iterative Tuning", IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 25(11). 2014, pp. 2075-2085. JCR(2014): 4.291 Position: 6/123 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J. Briceño, M. Cruz-Ramírez, M. Prieto, M. Navasa, J. O. de Urbina, R. Orti, M.-Á. Gómez-Bravo, A. Otero, E. Varo, S. Tomé, G. Clemente, R. Bañares, R. Bárcena, V. Cuervas-Mons, G. Solórzano, C. Vinaixa, Á. Rubín, J. Colmenero, A. Valdivieso, R. Ciria, C. Hervás-Martínez and M. de la Mata. "Use of artificial intelligence as an innovative donor-recipient matching model for liver transplantation: Results from a multicenter Spanish study". 2014. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Pérez-Ortiz, P.A. Gutiérrez, J. Sánchez-Monedero and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Evaluation of centred kernel-target alignment for multi-scale kernel optimisation", Information Sciences. 2014. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J.M. Peña-Barragán, P.A. Gutiérrez, C. Hervás-Martínez, J. Six, R.E. Plant and F. López-Granados. "Object-Based Image Classification of Summer Crops with Machine Learning Methods", Remote Sensing, Vol. 6(6). 2014, pp. 5019-5041. JCR(2014): 3.180 Position: 5/28 (Q1) Category: REMOTE SENSING. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
Year: 2013 (16)
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, P. Campoy-Muñoz, M. de la Paz Marín, C. Hervás-Martínez and X. Yao. "Addressing the EU sovereign ratings using an ordinal regression approach", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol. 43(6), December, 2013, pp. 2228-2240. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, P.A. Gutiérrez, C. Hervás-Martínez and X. Yao. "Negative Correlation Ensemble Learning for Ordinal Regression", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 24(11), November, 2013, pp. 1836-1849. JCR (2013): 4.370 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS, position 2/102 Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J. Sánchez-Monedero, P.A. Gutiérrez, P. Tino and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Exploitation of Pairwise Class Distances for Ordinal Classification", Neural Computation, Vol. 25(9), September, 2013, pp. 2450-2485. JCR (2013): 1.694 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 43/121 Q2). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A.M. Lucia-Casademunt, A. Ariza-Montes and D. Becerra-Alonso. "Exploring emotional involvement in the workplace by applying artificial neural networks: European study.", Actual Problems of Economics, Vol. 143(5), May, 2013, pp. 376. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Cruz-Ramírez, C. Hervás-Martínez, J.C. Fernández, J. Briceño and M. de la Mata. "Predicting patient survival after liver transplantation using evolutionary multi-objective artificial neural networks", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 58(1), May, 2013, pp. 37-49. JCR (2013): 1.356 Position: 57/121 (Q2) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A.M. Lucia-Casademunt, A. Ariza-Montes, A.C. Morales-Gutiérrez and D. Becerra-Alonso. "Implicación Laboral y Emociones en el Trabajo: Estudio Empírico de sus Factores Determinantes.", Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, Vol. 18(62). 2013, pp. 217-246. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Tongen, R. Thelwell and D. Becerra-Alonso. "Reinventing the wheel: The chaotic sandwheel.", American Journal of Physics, Vol. 81(2). 2013, pp. 127. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Generalised Gaussian Radial Basis Function Neural Networks", Soft Computing, Vol. 17(3). 2013, pp. 519-533. JCR (2013): 1.304 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 59/121 Q2). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P.A. Gutiérrez, S. Salcedo-Sanz, C. Hervás-Martínez, L. Carro-Calvo, J. Sánchez-Monedero and L. Prieto. "Ordinal and nominal classification of wind speed from synoptic pressure patterns", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 26(3). 2013, pp. 1008-1015. JCR (2013): 1.962 (category ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, position 15/87, Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M.D. Redel-Macías, F. Fernandez-Navarro, P.A. Gutiérrez, A.J. Cubero-Atienza and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Improvement of accuracy in a sound synthesis method using Evolutionary Product Unit Networks", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 40(5). 2013, pp. 1477-1483. JCR (2013): 1.965 (category OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, position 11/79 Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M.D. Redel-Macías, F. Fernandez-Navarro, P.A. Gutiérrez, A. Cubero-Atienza and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Ensembles of evolutionary product unit or RBF neural networks for the identification of sound for pass-by noise test in vehicles", Neurocomputing, Vol. 109(3). 2013, pp. 56-65. JCR (2013): 2.005 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 28/121 Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Cruz-Ramírez, C. Hervás-Martínez, P.A. Gutiérrez, M. Pérez-Ortiz, J. Briceño and M. de la Mata. "Memetic Pareto differential evolutionary neural network used to solve an unbalanced liver transplantation problem", Soft Computing, Vol. 17(2). 2013, pp. 275-284. JCR (2013): 1.304 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 59/121 Q2). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Tallón-Ballesteros, C. Hervás-Martínez, J. Riquelme and R. Ruiz. "Feature selection to enhance a two-stage evolutionary algorithm in product unit neural networks for complex classification problems", Neurocomputing, Vol. 114(19). 2013, pp. 107-117. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Castaño-Méndez, F. Fernandez-Navarro and C. Hervás-Martínez. "PCA-ELM: A Robust and Pruned Extreme Learning Machine approach based on Principal Component Analysis", Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 37(3). 2013, pp. 377-392. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J.A. Moreno, H.G. Mozo, C. Hervás-Martínez and C. Galán-Soldevilla. "Biometeorological and autoregressive indices for predicting olive pollen intensity", International Journal of Biometeorology, Vol. 57(2). 2013, pp. 307-316. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J.A. Moreno, H.G. Mozo, C. Hervás-Martínez and C. Galán-Soldevilla. "Year clustering analysis for modelling olive flowering phenology", International Journal of Biometeorology, Vol. 57(4). 2013, pp. 545-555. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
Year: 2012 (13)
- M. Cruz-Ramírez, C. Hervás-Martínez, J.C. Fernández, J. Briceño and M. de la Mata. "Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Donor-Recipient Decision System in Liver Transplants", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 222(2), October, 2012, pp. 317-327. JCR (2012): 2.038 Position: 9/79 (Q1) Category: OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- D. Laroze, D. Becerra-Alonso, J.A. Gallas and H. Pleiner. "Magnetization dynamics under a quasiperiodic magnetic field.", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 48. 2012, pp. 11. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P.A. Gutiérrez, C. Hervás-Martínez, F.J. Martínez-Estudillo and M. Carbonero-Ruz. "A two-stage evolutionary algorithm based on sensitivity and accuracy for multi-class problems", Information Sciences, Vol. 197. 2012, pp. 20-37. JCR (2012): 3.893 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, position 6/132, Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Moreno, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "A structural distance based crossover for neural network classifiers", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 26(6). 2012, pp. 1250012. JCR (2012): 0.562 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 94/115 Q4). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, C. Hervás-Martínez, P.A. Gutiérrez, J.M. Peña-Barragán and F. López-Granados. "Parameter estimation of q-Gaussian Radial Basis Functions Neural Networks with a Hybrid Algorithm for Binary Classification", Neurocomputing, Vol. 75. 2012, pp. 123-134. JCR (2012): 1.634 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 37/115 Q2). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Castaño-Méndez, F. Fernandez-Navarro, P.A. Gutiérrez and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Permanent Disability Classification by Combining Evolutionary Generalized Radial Basis Function and Logistic Regression Methods", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 39(9). 2012, pp. 8350-8355. JCR (2012): 1.854 (category OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, position 13/79 Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- C. Hervás-Martínez, S. Salcedo-Sanz, P.A. Gutiérrez, E.G. García and L. Prieto. "Evolutionary product unit neural networks for short-term wind speed forecasting in wind farms", Neural Computing {&} Applications, Vol. 21(5). 2012, pp. 993-1005. JCR (2012): 1.168 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 60/115 Q3). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M.D. Redel-Macías, C. Hervás-Martínez, S. Pinzi, P.A. Gutiérrez, A.J. Cubero-Atienza and M.P. Dorado. "Noise prediction of a diesel engine fueled with olive pomace oil methyl ester blended with diesel fuel", Fuel, Vol. 98. 2012, pp. 280-287. JCR (2012): 3.357 (category ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, position 11/133 Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- Y. Muñoz-Ocaña and M. Torres-Jiménez. "Analysis of Official Development Aid for Basic Social Services in the 21st century", Estudios de Economía aplicada, Vol. 30(3). 2012, pp. 1023-1048. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, C. Hervás-Martínez, R. Ruiz and J.C. Riquelme. "Evolutionary Generalized Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for improving prediction accuracy in gene classification using feature selection", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 12(6). 2012, pp. 1787-1800. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. de la Paz Marín, P. Campoy and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Non-linear multiclassifier model based on Artificial Intelligence to predict Research and Development Performance in European Countries", Technological Forecasting {&} Social Change, Vol. 79(9). 2012, pp. 1731-1745. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- T. Montero-Romero, M.C. López-Martín, D. Becerra-Alonso and F.J. Martínez-Estudillo. "Extreme Learning Machine to Analyze the Level of Default in Spanish Deposit Institutions", Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, Vol. 13. 2012, pp. 3-23. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- M. Cruz-Ramírez, C. Hervás-Martínez, M. Jurado-Expósito and F. López-Granados. "A multi-objective neural network based method for cover crop identification from remote sensed data", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 11(39). 2012, pp. 10038–10048. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
Year: 2011 (11)
- J.C. Fernández, C. Hervás-Martínez, F.J. Martínez-Estudillo and P.A. Gutiérrez. "Memetic Pareto Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks to determine growth/no-growth in predictive microbiology", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11(1), January, 2011, pp. 534-550. JCR (2011): 2.612 Position: 13/111 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P.A. Gutiérrez, C. Hervás-Martínez and F.J. Martínez-Estudillo. "Logistic Regression by Means of Evolutionary Radial Basis Function Neural Networks", IEEE Transacctions on Neural Networks, Vol. 22(2). 2011, pp. 246-263. JCR (2011): 2.952 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS, position 4/99 Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J. Sánchez-Monedero, P.A. Gutiérrez, F. Fernandez-Navarro and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Weighting efficient Accuracy and Minimum Sensitivity for evolving multi-class classifiers", Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 34(2). 2011, pp. 1370-4621. JCR (2011): 0.750 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 76/111 Q3). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, C. Hervás-Martínez and P.A. Gutiérrez. "A dynamic over-sampling procedure based on sensitivity for multi-class problems", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 44. 2011, pp. 1821–1833. JCR (2011): 2.292 (category ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, position 35/245 Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Castaño-Méndez, F. Fernandez-Navarro, C. Hervás-Martínez and P.A. Gutiérrez. "Neuro-logistic models based on Evolutionary Generalized Radial Basis Function for the microarray gene expression classification problem", Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 34. 2011, pp. 117-131. JCR (2011): 0.750 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 76/111 Q3). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, C. Hervás-Martínez, J. Sánchez-Monedero and P.A. Gutiérrez. "MELM-GRBF: A modified version of the Extreme Learning Machine for Generalized Radial Basis Function Neural Networks", Neurocomputing, Vol. 74. 2011, pp. 2502-2510. JCR (2011): 1.580 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 39/111 Q2). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, C. Hervás-Martínez, P.A. Gutiérrez and M. Carbonero-Ruz. "Evolutionary q-Gaussian Radial Basis Functions Neural Networks for Multi-Classification", Neural Networks, Vol. 24. 2011, pp. 779-784. JCR (2011): 2.182 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 23/111, Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, C. Hervás-Martínez, M. Cruz-Ramírez, P.A. Gutiérrez and A. Valero. "Evolutionary q-Gaussian Radial Basis Function Neural Network to determine the microbial growth/no growth interface of Staphylococcus aureus", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11(3). 2011, pp. 3012-3020. JCR (2011): 2.612 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, position 13/111 Q1). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J. Sánchez-Monedero, J. Povedano-Molina, J.M. Lopez-Vega and J.M. Lopez-Soler. "Bloom Filter Based Discovery Protocol for DDS Middleware", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 71(10). 2011. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Tallón-Ballesteros and C. Hervás-Martínez. "A two-stage algorithm in evolutionary product unit neural networks for classification", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38(1). 2011, pp. 743-754. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- F. Fernandez-Navarro, C. Hervás-Martínez, C. García-Alonso and M. Torres-Jiménez. "Determination of relative agrarian technical efficiency by a dynamic over-sampling procedure guided by minimum sensitivity", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38(10). 2011, pp. 12483-12490. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
Year: 2010 (4)
- M. Cruz-Ramírez, J. Sánchez-Monedero, F. Fernandez-Navarro, J.C. Fernández and C. Hervás-Martínez. "Memetic pareto differential evolutionary artificial neural networks to determine growth multi-classes in predictive microbiology", Evolutionary Intelligence, Vol. 3(3-4), December, 2010, pp. 187-199. SJR (2010): 0.607 Position: (Q2) Category: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- P.A. Gutiérrez, C. Hervás-Martínez and M. Lozano. "Designing Multilayer Perceptrons using a Guided Saw-tooth Evolutionary Programming Algorithm", Soft Computing, Vol. 14(6). 2010, pp. 599-613. JCR (2010): 1.512 (category COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS, position 41/97 Q2). [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- A. Castaño-Méndez, C. Hervás-Martínez, P.A. Gutiérrez, F. Fernandez-Navarro and M.M. García. "Classification by Evolutionary Generalized Radial Basis Functions", International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7(1). 2010, pp. 1-10. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
- J.C. Fernández, F.J. Martínez-Estudillo, C. Hervás-Martínez and P.A. Gutiérrez. "Sensitivity Versus Accuracy in Multiclass Problems Using Memetic Pareto Evolutionary Neural Networks", IEEE Transacctions on Neural Networks, Vol. 21(5). 2010, pp. 750-770. JCR (2010): 2.633 Position: 17/108 (Q1) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. [More] [Online version] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]